Weight Loss God’s Way: Book Review

30 Jun

cathyIn Healthy by Design by Cathy Morenzie, the author provides 21 days of inspiration and encouragement for those striving to lose weight. Health expert Cathy Morenzie merges professional experience with Biblical references to help readers overcome personal obstacles and build faith. Each day offers a  spiritual reflection, which includes a Bible verse and devotion connected to both the verse and attitudes about health. The author then offers a health challenge for the day and a confession, both intended to help the reader push beyond unproductive thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. The book also includes blank areas where the reader can write notes and reflect on the day’s topic. In the rear of the book, additional scriptures can be found to enhance each day’s topic.

I found the book to be a very simple and straight-forward approach to encouraging those who are attempting to lose weight. The book is a quick read. It’s thinness makes it easy to carry in a medium-sized purse for those who want to use it for inspiration throughout the day. Also, the shortness of each day’s content makes it a good fit for busy people who can only spare 5-10 minutes a day for reading. The psychological and spiritual aspects of the book allow the reader to consider more than mere food choices and exercise, but what other factors may be influencing weight loss and gain.

My criticism of the book is its lack of thoroughness. Yes, it makes for an easy read, but I don’t feel CathyMorenzienewthat each day’s content gives the reader all the tools needed to be successful in their weight loss efforts for the day. The tagline for the book is “A simple 21 day plan for permanent weight loss and stronger faith.” However, the book doesn’t feel like a complete weight loss plan. It’s too vague about what the reader should be actually doing to lose weight. I understand the lack of specifics may be for the sake of the reader being led by God in their activities, but it would have been helpful to provide a little more structure for those unsure of what to do or struggling with hearing from God. I think the book would be better marketed as a devotional for weight loss rather than a self-help, weight loss plan. Nevertheless, Healthy by Design is a positive read and worth checking out.

If you’re looking for an inspirational book that will challenge you to use your faith as a key component to losing weight and become more healthy, purchase Healthy by Design at http://www.amazon.com/Healthy-Design-Weight-Loss-Gods/dp/1494835509/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1404152027&sr=8-1&keywords=cathy+morenzie+healthy+by+design

Also, check out Cathy’s Facebook group at www.facebook.com/groups/weightlossgodsway


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  2. Albato Healthy Life July 4, 2015 at 2:29 am #

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